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Signs of Addiction

Learn to recognize addiction signs, including behavioral and physical symptoms, to identify and address substance abuse early.

Understanding Its Impact on Brain & Behavior

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease of the brain associated with continuously seeking drugs while knowing its adverse effects. A condition that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medication is called drug addiction or substance use disorder (SUD). It starts with taking drugs or alcohol for one time in curiosity and leads to uncontrolled usage of certain drugs or alcohol. They become used to it and develop tolerance to that substance. They need to increase the tolerance levels to get the desired results every time. This pattern of drug and alcohol consumption is termed “ADDICTION.”

The risk of addiction varies among different kinds of drugs. For example, strong painkillers (opioids) tend to be more addictive in a short time than other drugs. People first enjoy the effects of getting high, but when they realize that they are becoming addicted to a particular substance, they try to withdraw on their own. This withdrawal causes many physical and mental symptoms and intense drug cravings.

Table of Contents

vase sitting on a glass table with rolling hills recovery center logo on the tv in the background.
Group room at rolling hills recovery center with tv and logo mounted on the wall
Two love seat and a sofa with a glass table in the rolling hills waiting area

Recognizing the Early Warning Signs

Signs of Addiction

There are behavioral, psychological, and physical signs of addiction.

Knowing and accepting these signs is the first step of recovery and rehab for an addict. These signs indicate the severity and dependence of drug addiction.

Portrait of young rebellious man thinking and waiting outdoors

Identifying Behavioral Changes Associated with Addiction

Behavioral Signs

An addict may experience changes in behavior, which can cause severe disturbances in life like poor eating and sleeping habits, skipping classes or meetings, and even having issues in relationships. Some of them include:

  • Mood changes:

People who start taking drugs or alcohol might have unusual mood swings. They seem detached from the gathering and may show aggressive behavior in some situations.

  • Changes in habits:

They may develop bad habits like not eating or sleeping properly. Sometimes they skip their meals, and their routine is completely disturbed.

  • Loss of control:

Many want to quit using certain drugs or alcohol but cannot help themselves because of the cravings and urges.

  • Loss of interest:

They seem disoriented and unresponsive to the activities they used to love once. They lose all interest in sports or fun activities.

  • Denial:

They try to hide their feelings and physical symptoms, and when someone asks them or takes an interest in their unusual behavior, they burst with anger and deny them.

  • Relationship damages:

Lack of interest in daily life can also affect their relationships. They tend to hide and avoid their close relationships, resulting in damage and loss.

  • Skipping classes:

Addiction can also cause harm in young adults. They miss their important classes and sometimes take leave from school to take drugs with their group.

  • Stealing valuables or money:

They are often caught stealing valuable things or money from their homes to fulfill their needs and cravings for a particular drug.

There are affordable options for addiction treatment.

Rolling Hills Recovery Center works with a variety of healthcare providers.

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bserving Physical Indicators of Substance Abuse

Physical Signs

Eye changes

A visible difference in the pupil of the eye can be seen very clearly. It may be dilated or constricted sometimes and also can be glazed or too red.


They may have shaky hands and legs, which affects their usual walking pattern and can be very slow and staggering.

Weight changes

The person taking certain drugs or alcohol may have rapid weight changes. They may gain some weight, and soon they become skinny.

Bruises and marks

They have a lot of unexplained bruises and marks on the lower arm, leg, or bottom of the feet, which indicate the severity of the addiction.

Unusual sensations

They experience nausea and vomiting most of the time and have sweaty hands and feet every time. Sometimes their nose bleeds, and their face becomes red or pale. They get the flu and cough more often.

Signs of an Overdose

If you or your loved ones are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, it is mandatory to know the possible signs of overdose. This needs immediate professional care and treatment to reduce the chances of severe complications.

The overdosing symptoms of drugs include:

  • Nausea.

  • Vomiting.

  • Hallucination.

  • Agitation.

  • Delusions.

  • Drowsiness.

  • Loss of consciousness.

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Signs of Withdrawal

Many persons suffering from substance use disorder might start quitting it on their own without seeking any professional help. This can also lead to uneasiness and some frightening symptoms. These symptoms and intense cravings can make them start taking certain drugs or alcohol.

The withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Headaches.

  • Fever.

  • Fatigue.

  • Insomnia.

  • Loss of appetite.

  • Hallucinations.

  • Loss of appetite.

  • Seizures.

Addiction Recovery

It is an arduous and long journey towards addiction recovery, which needs patience and consistency from both the addict and the family. Some might fall into addiction if they are dealing with another mental health illness.

They experience negative thoughts and physical symptoms, and to get rid of these sensations and symptoms, they start taking drugs and alcohol. You can overcome these symptoms by practicing healthy habits and preventing yourself from becoming an addict while dealing with trauma, anxiety, or depression.

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Four Critical Phases of Addiction Recovery

Stages of Recovery Treatment

The National Institute on Drug Abuse developed these stages of individual drug counseling for healthcare providers as a resource.

The four stages of treatment are:

  1. Treatment initiation.

  2. Early abstinence.

  3. Maintaining abstinence.

  4. Advanced recovery.

Treatment Initiation:

The goal of the treatment initiation is to encourage participants to feel motivated in the first days of recovery. Ambivalence and denial can be their worst enemies in the first days of your recovery. A substance abuse counselor helps the addict look at the addiction’s damaging effects, explore the feelings of denial and encourage them to recover.

Early Abstinence:

The second step of the treatment is early abstinence. This can be tricky and challenging for the addict because it deals with managing withdrawal symptoms, physiological dependence, physical cravings, and triggers that can bring relapse.

Maintaining Abstinence:

In the third stage of recovery, substance abuse counselors help you to maintain sobriety and avoid all the possible chances of relapse. If you started in a residential treatment program, you would now move to the continuing or follow-up counseling phase of your rehab program on an outpatient basis.

Advance Recovery:

This is the fourth and final recovery step after five years of maintaining abstinence. In this stage, you practice your learned skills in your daily routine and lifestyle. Manage your personal and social life and set your boundaries.

kitchen and living room at grandview estates
picture of beds at grandview estates drug detox rogram

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Self-Care Techniques for Effective Recovery

Self Help Strategies

Recovery starts when a person begins to prioritize self-care and practice some self-care strategies.

Acceptance and Affirmations:

It would help if you accepted your feelings and unwanted symptoms. It would help if you stayed focused and motivated towards your goal. Don’t fight with yourself; be calm and tell yourself some positive affirmations daily, For example, “My life has a purpose,” “I am not alone,” “I can do it,” “I accept my illness and I will survive it,” etc.

Don't Struggle Alone:

It is common to feel helpless and worthless while having a mental illness, but you don’t need to suffer alone. Don’t feel embarrassed asking for help. There is no harm in sharing your thoughts and feelings with others.

Tell your friends and family about your negative thoughts and feelings, share your problems as much as possible, and remember that you are unique.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation:

Many studies suggest that practicing mindfulness and meditation for some time can decrease your mental and emotional stress and help calm your nerves. It brings positive energy, and you feel comfortable with your feelings.

Engage in Physical Activities:

You need to love yourself and make self-care a priority. Don’t get into self-medication to ease your symptoms; consult a healthcare professional. Regular gentle exercise, yoga, a healthy diet, and proper sleep can help treat addiction.

Neuroplasticity for Lasting Recovery

Rewire Your Brain

Many people complete all the stages of recovery but do not practice self-care strategies in their lives. It would help if you rewired your brain by starting to take care of your physical as well as mental health. You have to make your thoughts positive and make friends with positive-minded people who encourage you.

“Brains can rewire. We have different pathways, and we create those pathways through habits and ways of thinking and patterns. We can create new patterns. Just like we create bad habits, we can create good habits”.

— Erica Spiegelman

Written By:

Geoffrey Andaria mental health writer at rolling hills recovery center
Rolling Hills Recovery Center

Mental Health Writer

About Author:

Geoffrey Andaria is an experienced mental health content writer and editor. With a B.A. in English and Journalism, Geoffrey is highly educated in freelance articles and research. Having taken courses on social work, Geoffrey is adamant about providing valuable and educational information to individuals affected by mental health and the disease of addiction.

Medically Reviewed By:

Carl Williams, medical content reviewer at rolling hills recovery center
Rolling Hills Recovery Center

Expert Contributor

About Reviewer:

Dr. Williams presently serves on the board of Directors for two non-profit service organizations. He holds a Master’s degree in Human Services from Lincoln University, Philadelphia, Pa, and a Ph.D. with a concentration in Clinical Psychology from Union Institute and University. In Cincinnati, Ohio. He is licensed to practice addictions counseling in both New Jersey and Connecticut and has a pending application as a practicing Psychologist in New Jersey.

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