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Signs of Alcoholism

Understanding the signs of Alcohol Use Disorder is crucial for seeking help and starting your recovery.

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Understanding Alcoholism

About Alcoholism

WHO reports 3.3million annual deaths stemming from harmful alcohol use.

You know what is ailing you, yet you are helpless to do anything about it, even when this ailment lands you in legal or health trouble. Are you wondering whether it is too late to seek treatment for your loved one or yourself when battling alcoholism? Well, don’t; it is never too late for help. Seek medical assistance today to help fight your addiction.

Let’s find out what alcoholism is, its signs and symptoms, and treatment options.

Table of Contents

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The Reality of Alcohol Use Disorder

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is also known as alcohol use disorder- AUD. Alcoholism is a chronic disease where the victim has uncontrollable drinking sprees and is often preoccupied with alcohol. This inability to control alcohol consumption may occur due to an underlying emotional or physical alcohol dependence.

AUD is usually self-diagnosable when you notice repeated alcohol consumption despite health and legal issues. You may begin with a few drinks daily, feel guilty about your drinking, and develop a desire to reduce this habit. Though this condition does not have a cure, treatment can help you achieve sobriety.

Problem of female alcoholism. Alcohol addiction.

Recognizing Alcoholism

Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism

You might drink because you are trying to escape reality or for fun; however, the after-effects are usually the same. You may experience the following signs and symptoms when your drinking habits have gone a bit overboard:

Whole-body; you might feel dizzy, shaky, sweaty, or have a craving for more consumption. Following a drinking episode, you might blackout for a few hours and fail to remember what entirely happened.


Consuming alcohol takes a massive toll on your spirits. The most predominant feelings associated with alcohol are euphoria, guilt, anxiety, general discontent, or loneliness.


Alcohol associates its victims with bouts of vomiting and nausea.


AUD causes uncontrollable delirium or fear in its victims.


You may become aggressive, lack restraint, or appear agitated. You also show compulsive and self-destructive behaviors.

General Conditions

Physical dependence, tremor, slurred speech, or impaired coordination.

You should also note that some people drink alcohol but are not dependent on alcohol. Alcohol becomes a condition when you cannot function properly without consuming it. You may not even develop alcohol dependence a few years later.

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Starting your Recovery

Seek Treatment

Do not feel ashamed or scared if you have battled alcoholism for the better part of your life. It’s never late to start living your best life by seeking treatment. It will be hard for the first few days, but what isn’t?

Alcoholism treatments usually involve a healthcare professional counseling patients, therapies, etc. If additional medical attention is crucial, your doctor may recommend a detoxification program in a medical facility or hospital. Remember that alcoholism does not have a cure; what medications do, is reduce your desire to drink. Generally, alcohol treatments consist of medications, a medical procedure, therapy, and a lifestyle drug; abstinence.


Some patients become apprehensive about quitting drinking due to the fear of withdrawal symptoms ranging from mild to severe, depending on the patient. However, the first step in treating AUD is the detox stage, where the body rids itself of toxic chemicals through fasting, dieting, or colon cleansing. You do not have to worry because medical assistants and peers help you through this challenging stage.

During this medical procedure, your body completely flushes alcohol out of its system. Withdrawal symptoms become predominant but subside within one or two weeks after beginning detox. However, keep in mind that this time frame depends on the severity of your AUD. Once you finish this stage, you can focus on the other aspects of recovery, such as therapies, counseling sessions, etc.

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Navigating the Challenges

Dealing with Withdrawal Symptoms

Consuming alcohol for a long time causes your body to rely on it. Since alcohol is a depressant, your brain becomes dependent on the drug, and it takes time before you adjust to living without it. You develop withdrawal symptoms when you decide to quit alcohol because your body adjusts to living without the drug.

We advise you to undergo the detox stage under the care of medical professionals because withdrawal symptoms change quickly and aggressively. A rehab facility knows how to deal with withdrawal and gives you the necessary drugs to help with the pain.

Minor withdrawal symptoms may include sweating, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, or nausea, with severe ones including seizures, tremors, disorientation, extreme hallucinations, or delirium tremens (in sporadic cases).

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Tailored Treatments

Therapies at Rolling Hills Recovery Center

Alcohol therapy takes on different turns and twists. Rolling Hills Recovery Center might recommend one or more of the following therapies:

The medical examiner might place people in support groups having similar conditions or goals such as weight loss, depression, etc. A support group aims to offer a platform where people can share experiences and counsel each other as they seek an alcohol-free life.

Counseling is the most common therapy for alcoholic patients. You receive personal support and advice to help you make decisions, solve problems and change your behaviors.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT aims to help modify negative thoughts, emotional responses, and behaviors associated with psychological distress into positive ones. CBT is a part of behavioral therapy but does not change behaviors alone.

Aversion Therapy

Unlike CBT, where negative thoughts turn positive, Aversive therapy reminds patients of adverse outcomes associated with drinking alcohol. All these attempts to dissuade the victim from using the drug again.

Family Therapy

These treatments involve the victim’s and the patient’s family members. Family therapies involve psychological counseling for the whole family to help them communicate and resolve conflicts more effectively.


When placed in psychotherapy, the medical practitioner helps treat your alcohol disorder through talk therapy. Psychotherapy also treats other behavioral and mental disorders. However, when the counselor involves a group of people in psychotherapy, it becomes group psychotherapy.

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Overcoming AUD with Support and Treatment

Bottom Line

Recovering from AUD is challenging but achievable. All you have to do is begin treatment, get a robust support system, and you will be able to overcome alcohol addiction. No matter how severe your AUD problem is, there is still a chance for you in treatment. Do not quit; you still haven’t lived your best life yet!

Written By:

Geoffrey Andaria mental health writer at rolling hills recovery center
Rolling Hills Recovery Center

Mental Health Writer

About Author:

Geoffrey Andaria is an experienced mental health content writer and editor. With a B.A. in English and Journalism, Geoffrey is highly educated in freelance articles and research. Having taken courses on social work, Geoffrey is adamant about providing valuable and educational information to individuals affected by mental health and the disease of addiction.

Medically Reviewed By:

Carl Williams, medical content reviewer at rolling hills recovery center
Rolling Hills Recovery Center

Expert Contributor

About Reviewer:

Dr. Williams presently serves on the board of Directors for two non-profit service organizations. He holds a Master’s degree in Human Services from Lincoln University, Philadelphia, Pa, and a Ph.D. with a concentration in Clinical Psychology from Union Institute and University. In Cincinnati, Ohio. He is licensed to practice addictions counseling in both New Jersey and Connecticut and has a pending application as a practicing Psychologist in New Jersey.

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