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Understanding a meth overdose is critical, as recognizing its symptoms, effects, and available treatments can save lives and aid in recovery.
Substance use disorders are major issues that are wreaking havoc in our communities. The incidence of deaths from drug overdoses, particularly those involving psychostimulants such as methamphetamine, is fast growing.
For example, the number of fatalities increased from 5,716 in 2015 to 34,022 in 2022. Meth is an extremely potent and addictive narcotic that may destroy both the body and the psyche.
Meth (which is short for the drug methamphetamine), is a highly addictive stimulant. It affects the central nervous system (CNS). It dissolves easily in alcohol or water. It usually looks like a white, crystalline powder that has no smell and tastes bitter.
In the early twentieth century, manufacturers made the drug, and people widely used it in inhalers and decongestants. It has effects like its parent drug, amphetamine (often called “speed”). These effects include less appetite, increased excitement, and more talkativeness.
Meth differs from its parent amphetamine in several ways. One key difference is that, at the same dosages, more meth enters the brain. This makes meth more potent. Meth’s negative effects on the CNS are likewise greater and more prolonged.
The DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) has classified methamphetamine as a Schedule II drug. This means you can only get it legally if you have a prescription that can’t be refilled.
Doctors may prescribe it for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or for short-term weight loss. However, these uses are rare and limited. Additionally, the doses prescribed are much smaller than what people typically abuse.
Yes, you can overdose on meth. Overdosing can happen even the first time you take the drug. When you are a new user, your system hasn’t yet developed tolerance to the drug.
So, it is easy to ingest a dose that is too high for your body to handle. It can quickly raise blood pressure and body temperature. This puts you at serious risk of organ damage, heart attack, stroke, or even death. People call the kind of meth overdose that occurs from infrequent, single use sudden or acute overdose.
Chronic overdose occurs when you use meth for a long time. This leads to physical damage that builds up over time. Your body’s reaction to meth can depend on several factors. These include your health, your tolerance level, and if you’ve mixed it with alcohol or other drugs.
Because street meth is illegal, you can never really know how strong or pure it is. A dose that might be okay under your doctor’s prescription could be risky if it comes from an unknown source. Both types of overdose, acute and chronic, can cause significant harm to your organs.
When you overdose on meth, your symptoms can vary from others. This is especially true if you mixed it with other drugs. However, if meth is the only drug in your system, some typical symptoms of a meth overdose could include:
Rolling Hills Recovery Center has committed patient navigators standing by day or night to help you create a customized treatment plan.
A methamphetamine overdose happens when you take too much of the drug. This can occur all at once or over time, leading to a harmful reaction.
As we mentioned before, this can lead to serious health issues. These include damage to vital organs, heart attacks, and strokes. Combining meth with other stimulants like cocaine, amphetamines, or ecstasy can raise the risk of serious heart problems.
Lately, a growing trend has emerged where people who abuse drugs often mix them with opioids, whether they prescribe the drugs or not. And when you throw meth into the mix with any opioid, it can be even more dangerous. Combining the two can seriously up the risk, messing with your body in ways that are hard to predict and often life-threatening. Opioids are depressants that slow down the nervous system, while meth is a stimulant that speeds it up.
Some believe combining these two creates a balance, but that’s not true. In reality, mixing them can mask or alter the effects of either drug. This can trick someone into thinking they need more of one or both drugs, which can quickly lead to an overdose.
Sometimes, people unknowingly combine meth with opioid painkillers. Fentanyl, a super potent opioid, is often used to cut meth because it looks similar in powder form.
You might think you are using pure meth. However, you could be getting a dose mixed with fentanyl. This greatly raises your risk of an overdose.
A variety of factors influence whether or not you develop a methamphetamine addiction. Some people can use the substance for a time without becoming severely addicted. However, others may try meth just once and become addicted. The most frequent risk factors linked to addiction are:
This type is more dangerous because even a small amount can have a stronger effect. This raises the risk of overdose, toxicity, and other health problems. Additionally, street meth can be mixed with other drugs, which can change its strength and risks.
It makes it hard to know how you will respond. This also increases the risk of an overdose. Since every drug affects your body in unique ways, mixing them is a riskier move.
The earlier a person is exposed to drugs or sees them being abused, the higher the chance that they’ll eventually fall into the same pattern, and any single time one takes the drug, there is always the risk of overdose. It’s often a matter of what’s normalized around them, making it harder to break away from those behaviors later.
They may struggle to avoid misusing the substance, which can develop into addiction, tolerance, and an increased risk of overdose, primarily if they use meth in ever-increasing quantities to feel better.
A patient navigator is ready to help. Our team of dedicated professionals are here to help 24 hours a day.
When you overdose on meth, it can impact your body in both the short and long term. At first, a person might feel very happy, have some trouble breathing, or feel restless.
Meth overdose side effects can vary. Some symptoms are temporary, while others need immediate medical help. In some cases, symptoms may go away on their own.
On the other hand, the long-term effects can be harmful. They may cause permanent damage to organs and ongoing mental health issues. There are also other serious health concerns to consider.
Since meth is a drug that ramps up your nervous system, it can hit you with some intense effects right away. When people get hooked, they focus on the immediate rush of excitement. They often forget about the serious problems that can arise later. Even though some issues can appear quickly, the temptation to chase that high often outweighs the warnings.
Some of the quick effects of meth include:
If these symptoms aren’t addressed and they keep happening every time someone uses them, they can lead to lasting damage or even death.
After using meth for a long term, your body will develop tolerance. At this point, you will continue to require larger doses than before to achieve the same euphoric effects.
Some users also resort to other methods of consumption, for example, snorting, to enhance the speed at which they experience the thrill. Effects often seen in someone who has been using meth for a long time include:
Some people end up with lingering psychosis, where they struggle with things like paranoia or hallucinations. It’s a tough cycle, and the longer you’re in it, the harder it can be to shake those effects.
People who use meth often end up sharing needles with others. It’s not just about the high; new needles can be expensive or hard to come by.
But that habit, sharing needles, is risky. It’s one of the easiest ways to spread blood-borne infections, including hepatitis B and C and even HIV/AIDS.
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, and if left unchecked, it can worsen over time. You might start seeing things like jaundice or cirrhosis, and even worse, it can mess with your blood and nervous system.
Add meth to the mix, though, and it makes everything even more dangerous. Meth tightens up your blood vessels, which messes with the flow to your intestines. If that goes on long enough, it can cause parts of your bowel to die.
When that happens, you’re looking at something really serious – a hole in your intestines. This can cause an infection in your abdomen called peritonitis. If it gets worse, it can lead to septic shock. Septic shock is life-threatening if not treated quickly.
Our experienced staff is available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have. Call today and change your tomorrow.
A meth overdose is no joke—it’s a medical emergency that needs attention right away. When someone overdoses on meth, the priority is stabilizing their vital signs and managing the symptoms that come with it.
Here’s how treatment usually goes:
If the person is conscious, try to keep them calm and monitor their breathing until help arrives. If someone has lost consciousness or stopped breathing, and you know CPR, start chest compressions and rescue breaths right away.
The most important thing is getting help as quickly as possible. The sooner medical intervention happens, the better the chances of avoiding severe damage or life-threatening complications. Time really matters in these situations.
Preventing a meth overdose starts with not using meth in the first place. But if you or someone you know is already using it, the goal is to reduce the risk and recognize the warning signs early on.
If you’ve been using meth for a while, it’s really important to start thinking about how to stop or, at the very least, find ways to stay safe. One of the key steps is never using it alone.
Having someone you trust nearby can make all the difference because the chances of something going wrong are pretty high. They can get help quickly if you overdose or if anything else happens unexpectedly. It’s also crucial to know the warning signs of an overdose so you can get medical help right away if needed.
If you can spot the signs of an overdose early, it could make all the difference in saving someone’s life. Here are some of the warning signs to look out for:
Here’s how to stay as safe as possible:
Our caring treatment navigators are standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ready to help you or your loved one. When you call Rolling Hills Recovery Center you can trust that you will find the help you need – at no cost or obligation to choose our program. Get started right now.
If someone you care about is overdosing on methamphetamine, it can be terrifying, but acting quickly and calmly can make a huge difference. Here’s what you can do to help.
There are several signs that someone is overdosing on meth, as mentioned earlier. These include:
If you notice any of these signs, don’t wait—call for help and stay with them.
The first and the best thing you can do is ensure that doctors can be in their way. Dial 911 immediately, and even if you were not around when they were taking the drug, and you are not very sure if it is an overdose or not, you just claim that there is an overdose incident. You don’t have to know what drug (or amount) they took, but if you do, tell them it’s meth. It’ll help them prepare.
Do not wait – it is crucial – this is a matter of life and death. You will also want to state your location as clearly as possible so that help can find you soon.
If someone’s overdosing on meth, one of the biggest dangers is their body overheating. Meth can spike their temperature, which is serious and needs to be dealt with fast.
If you notice they’re getting hot, red, or dry skin, feeling dizzy, or having trouble staying steady, that’s a sign they’re likely overheating—and you need to cool them down quickly.
Here’s what you can do:
And remember, while cooling them down can help a bit, this is an emergency, and you still need to call 911 immediately if you haven’t already.
Breathing problems can be a major threat to life during a meth overdose. You must respond quickly if you see their breathing slowing down or stopping. Here’s what you need to know:
If They’re Breathing:
If They’re Not Breathing:
Meth by itself doesn’t respond to naloxone (Narcan), but if you suspect the person has mixed meth with opioids, using naloxone can help. If you have naloxone on hand, administer it immediately by following the kit’s instructions.
However, while Naloxone can reverse an opioid overdose, it won’t do anything for a meth overdose. If you suspect opioids are involved, it’s still useful, but remember—it’s not going to help with the meth side of things.
When the paramedics or first responders arrive, give them as much info as possible. They’ll want to know:
The more details you can give them, the better they’ll be able to treat the person quickly and effectively.
Do’s and Don’ts
If you or someone you love is battling meth addiction, the sooner you start thinking about how to get professional help, the better. Meth is a highly addictive substance, and without the right treatment, it can destroy lives.
Meth addiction is a progressive disease that doesn’t get better on its own, and the earlier you let an addiction expert intervene, the better the chances for long-term recovery.
Here’s what you can expect from a comprehensive treatment plan at Rolling Hills Recovery Center (RHRC):
Getting rid of meth from your system doesn’t happen overnight – it takes time and effort. A lot of people need months of therapy and follow-ups. That is why meth addiction should be viewed as a long-term illness that requires comprehensive treatment. If help is to be received, it is best to be sought at the earliest stage possible.
Rolling Hills Recovery Center understands just how daunting managing the process of rehab can be. That is why we support you all through the process and develop an individualized plan that attends to the physical, emotional, and social self.
Our team is here to help you overcome addiction and provide the support you need exactly when you need it. Don’t wait—reach out to us today and take the first step toward recovery.
Written By:
Mental Health Writer
Geoffrey Andaria is an experienced mental health content writer and editor. With a B.A. in English and Journalism, Geoffrey is highly educated in freelance articles and research. Having taken courses on social work, Geoffrey is adamant about providing valuable and educational information to individuals affected by mental health and the disease of addiction.
Medically Reviewed By:
Expert Contributor
Dr. Williams presently serves on the board of Directors for two non-profit service organizations. He holds a Master’s degree in Human Services from Lincoln University, Philadelphia, Pa, and a Ph.D. with a concentration in Clinical Psychology from Union Institute and University. In Cincinnati, Ohio. He is licensed to practice addictions counseling in both New Jersey and Connecticut and has a pending application as a practicing Psychologist in New Jersey.
Learn about meth abuse, its effects on mental health and relationships, signs of addiction, and the need for recovery help.
Meth addiction treatment involves detox, therapy, and support, with detox managing withdrawal and therapies like CBT addressing psychological issues.
Meth rehab insurance coverage varies. Check your plan for what’s covered, possible exclusions, and government options.
Signs of meth use include dilated pupils, weight loss, dental issues, increased energy, paranoia, and social problems.
Meth mouth causes severe tooth decay and gum disease. Early signs and treatment include dental care and addiction treatment.
Meth use in pregnancy can cause premature birth, low birth weight, and developmental issues for the baby.
Shooting and snorting meth increase addiction and overdose risks. Learn about these dangers, how to handle overdose, and safe detox options.
Meth recovery success rates vary, but rehab improves chances. Comprehensive treatment often yields better outcomes.